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The 31st Annual Women’s WILDWOOD CONFERENCE – McKinney Roughs Nature Park  – 1884 State Highway 71West, Cedar Creek, TX 78612

Conference Theme: “LIVING THE DREAM”

Speakers: Becky F., Al Anon, 27 Years, Ingram, TX

                     Carla S., AA, CA, 30 Years Los Angeles CA

                     Speakers: 8:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 p.m. Saturday

Things to do: Fellowship, Comradery, Meditation, Music,

                        Speakers, Workshops, Friendships

REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is recommended and can be made by mail immediately or online. Online registration opens October 1, 2018 at www.WildwoodWomen.org In addition, Wildwood Women has a Facebook Page entitled “Wildwood Women’s Conference”. Please join if you like.  If you have questions, contact Kathleen Vaughan 512/422-2281, MaryAnn Harvey 512/789-6912 or Debbi Silagi 512/971-8220.   Registration is limited to the first 125 women, so please register early.


Read the Flyer Here


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