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S.W.T.A. 68 PI/CPC Conference – “Anonymous… Not Invisible” – Hosted by District 3B/3C | Austin, Texas | August 20 – 22, 2021
Omni Southpark |  4140 Governors Row, Austin Texas 78744 | Reservations  1-800-The OMNI | Group Code: SWTA68 | Rooms from $119 a night.

Registration $15 | Professionals Luncheon $25

Register Online or by mail: http://bit.ly/PICPC2021Registration
For Further Information, email 2021.PICPC@gmail.com

Who is a PI/CPC person? Well, it’s you and I. We are all in contact with the public (PI) and with the professional community (CPC)! Come find out how you can help inform the public and professionals about the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Please contact us at 2021.PICPC@gmail.com with any questions, we are happy to answer any questions.

Please share with your groups!  This will be an exceptional event! We’re looking forward to seeing many familiar faces and meeting new ones.


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