Texas State Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous
TXSCYPAA 38 in Austin, Texas – Let’s Look At The Record – October 26-28, 2018
TXSCYPAA was founded for the purpose of providing a setting for an annual celebration of sobriety among young people in AA. Since its inception, a growing group of people, who at first would not consider themselves as “young people” has become regular attendees. The number of young people suffering from alcoholism who turn to AA for help is growing, and TXSCYPAA helps to carry AA’s message of recovery to alcoholics of all ages. This meeting provides an opportunity for young AA’s from all over the world to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope as members of Alcoholics Anonymous. AA members who attend a TXSCYPAA return home better prepared to receive young people who come to AA looking for a better way of life. For more information regarding Alcoholics Anonymous visit www.aa.org or check out the Grapevine by visiting www.aagrapevine.org Visit the Current TXSCYPAA Host Website at txscypaahost.org Current TXSCYPAA Advisory Files and Information about Bidding can be found on our TXSCYPAA Information Page